Divi builder is a great plugin to create wordpress based websites by designing them from the front-end. You can see live updates to whatever changes you are doing on the design of a website.
There is an issue which most of the users, including me face and that is Hamburger icon in the footer area as well if we use menu’s in that. It is fine to have hamburger in the header section but in most of the cases we don’t need a hamburger to be shown in the footer area and want quick links or Important links to show vertically. Sadly, Divi doesn’t have an inbuilt setting to disable that in the Mobile Menu Module.
Here is a fix to make the mobile menu show vertical:
- Add class to the Menu by going to the Advanced Tab in Divi Menu Module.
Copy and paste below code in the custom css or by using any snippet plugin or directly in the active theme css file.
.ds-menu.et_pb_menu .et_pb_menu__menu,.lwp-hide-mobile-menu.et_pb_fullwidth_menu .et_pb_menu__menu {
display: flex!important;
.ds-menu .et_mobile_nav_menu {
display: none;
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