Recently, while i was working for one of my clients website, there was an issue which i saw in the Jetpack Advance Widget called Social Media Icons.
The issue was that jetpack developers has hardcoded in the code and due to this if any company url doesn’t have /in in their linkedin profile, it was resulting in wrong links. Like for example my clients linkedin official link was but when i was entering username, due to hardcoded code it was coming out as and was a big issue.
So, in order to fix this, open jetpack using any file editor and then look into directory widgets which is located at
and under widgets open the file called social-media-icons.php and on line 70 remove /in and save the file.
[php highlight=”6″] $this->services = array(
‘facebook’ => array( ‘Facebook’, ‘’ ),
‘twitter’ => array( ‘Twitter’, ‘’ ),
‘instagram’ => array( ‘Instagram’, ‘’ ),
‘pinterest’ => array( ‘Pinterest’, ‘’ ),
‘linkedin’ => array( ‘LinkedIn’, ‘’ ),
‘github’ => array( ‘GitHub’, ‘’ ),
‘youtube’ => array( ‘YouTube’, ‘’ ),
‘vimeo’ => array( ‘Vimeo’, ‘’ ),
‘googleplus’ => array( ‘Google+’, ‘’ ),
‘flickr’ => array( ‘Flickr’, ‘’ ),
‘wordpress’ => array( ‘’, ‘’ ),
‘twitch’ => array( ‘Twitch’, ‘’ ),
‘tumblr’ => array( ‘Tumblr’, ‘’ ),
); [/php]
This will fix the issue.