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Net Neutrality- Internet Freedom in India

Internet Freedom in India

Why to defend internet freedom in India?

What is this term “Net neutrality?

In simple words, it is a principle according to which the internet service providers should enable the access to all the applications and content regardless of the source. And also they should not block or favor particular websites or products.

Due to this principle, in India, people can have access to internet and gain knowledge freely. They have the freedom of speech and freedom to use internet. As every internet customer has equal right to access the lawful websites and services without any discrimination.

How can Net Neutrality be violated?

The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) is planning to allow the telecom companies like Airtel, Vodafone etc. to block websites and some other services or applications for extorting more and more money from customers. And if this happens, this would be an extreme violation of this principle, Net Neutrality.

Why Net Neutrality should not be violated?

Now when you know what the term Net Neutrality means and how TRAI is planning to violate this. Also, Airtel has come up with Zero Marketing Platform. According to this, the Airtel users can use and access those websites or applications (tied -up with Airtel) at zero data charges.

The debate on Net Neutrality has turned out to be a fight against common Indian citizen and big telecom companies. In a democratic country like India it is quite unfair to be a bit ambitious for these big telecom companies. As they only want to make money at any cost and this is not only unfair but also not-ethical for the betterment of the country.

If Net Neutrality is being violated, there will be Internet Discrimination in India. According to Airtel’s Zero marketing platform, one cannot access the websites or applications which will not be allowed by the company.

At the same time, this may have negative impact on startups. Since the country like India, many of the startup businesses may depend on internet only for their sales. And if this freedom of internet gets violated, these starters may get discouraged.

So, in a democratic and developing country like India, Internet access should not be under these private companies so that each and every citizen can enjoy the freedom of speech and freedom of using internet.

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