Toolset vs PODS: A Comprehensive Comparison

When it comes to customizing and extending the functionality of a WordPress website, choosing the right plugin can make a significant impact on the development process. Two of the most popular options available are Toolset and PODS. Both plugins offer a range of features that help simplify the custom post type creation and custom fields management process. However, each plugin has its own unique strengths and weaknesses, making it important to understand the difference between Toolset and PODS before making a decision.


Toolset is a suite of plugins designed to make it easy for developers to create custom post types, custom fields, and templates. It offers a visual interface for designing custom post types, making it accessible for those who do not have a strong understanding of code. Additionally, Toolset offers a range of modules for specific needs such as forms, views, and maps. This makes it a powerful option for developers looking for a comprehensive solution for their custom WordPress development needs.


PODS is a plugin that allows developers to create custom post types, custom fields, and taxonomies. Like Toolset, PODS also offers a visual interface for designing custom post types, making it easy for non-developers to use. PODS has a robust set of features that make it a popular choice among WordPress developers, including the ability to create repeatable fields, advanced content types, and the ability to manage relationships between custom post types.


When comparing Toolset and PODS, it is important to consider the specific needs of a project. For those looking for a comprehensive solution, Toolset is the better option as it offers a wider range of modules and features. However, for those who are only looking for custom post type creation and custom fields management, PODS is a more straightforward solution that can still deliver great results.

In terms of ease of use, both Toolset and PODS offer visual interfaces that make the custom post type creation process simple and straightforward. However, Toolset’s comprehensive range of modules may prove overwhelming for some users, whereas PODS has a more streamlined interface that is easier to navigate.

Another important consideration is the cost. Toolset is a premium plugin and requires an annual subscription, whereas PODS is a free plugin. For those on a tight budget, PODS is a great option as it offers a good range of features for no cost. However, for those who need the additional features offered by Toolset, the investment may be worth it in the long run.


Choosing between Toolset and PODS ultimately comes down to the specific needs of a project. Both plugins offer great solutions for custom post type creation and custom fields management, but Toolset offers a wider range of modules and features that may be necessary for larger and more complex projects. On the other hand, PODS is a straightforward solution that offers great value for those on a budget.

Regardless of the choice, both Toolset and PODS are powerful plugins that can greatly simplify the custom WordPress development process. By carefully considering the specific needs of a project, developers can make an informed decision and choose the plugin that best meets their needs.

How to add Pagination Functionality to Shortcodes Ultimate Plugin ?


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My old SNIPPET was free but it was not working with UPDATED versions of SU plugin and WordPress.

This SNIPPET now works with the latest version of WordPress.

I will Help you to add the pagination myself

Fix will be added in less than 48 hours on working days

How can i get only bottom level terms of a taxonomy or category in views?

How can i get only parent terms of a taxonomy ?

This is a very popular question asked in many WordPress forums and Toolset Support and as a result, i am going to write a code snippet.

Lets assume, that the depth of taxonomy hierarchy is 3 and is explained by the following example of countries, provinces and states.

  • Australia ( Parent)
    • Queensland (Child)
      • Brisbane ( Child of a child)


Copy and paste the below snipped in your current active theme functions.php file. Then replace $location variable to your current taxonomy name and then use the shortcode [ds-parent] inside the loop view of any post type template.

add_shortcode('ds-parent', 'ds_top_level_terms');
function ds_top_level_terms() {
    $locations = 'test';
    $terms = get_the_terms(get_the_ID(), $locations);
    foreach ($terms as $term) {
        $parent = $term->parent;
        if ( $parent == '0' ) {
            $term_link = get_term_link($term, $locations);
            return $term->name;


  • Australia ( Parent)
    • Queensland (Child)
      • Brisbane ( Child of a child)

Here again, replace $location variable to your current taxonomy name and then use the shortcode [ds-middle-terms] inside the loop view of any post type template.

function ds_sort_terms(Array &$cats, Array &$into, $parentId = 0)
    foreach ($cats as $i => $cat) {
        if ($cat->parent == $parentId) {
            $into[$cat->term_id] = $cat;
    foreach ($into as $topCat) {
        $topCat->children = array();
        ds_sort_terms($cats, $topCat->children, $topCat->term_id);
add_shortcode('ds-middle-terms', 'ds-middle-terms');
function ds-middle-terms( $atts ) {
    extract( shortcode_atts( array(
        'taxonomy' => 'abc'
    ), $atts ) );
$categories=get_the_terms(get_the_ID(), $taxonomy);

$categoryHierarchy = array();
ds_sort_terms($categories, $categoryHierarchy);
	$amiarray = array_values($categoryHierarchy);
	foreach($amiarray[0]->children as $final){
		return $final->name;


  • Australia ( Parent)
    • Queensland (Child)
      • Brisbane ( Child of a child)

In the same way, replace $location variable to your current taxonomy name and then use the shortcode [ds-bottom-level] inside the loop view of any post type template.

add_shortcode('ds-bottom-level', 'ds_bottom_terms');
function ds_bottom_terms() {
   extract( shortcode_atts( array(
        'taxonomy' => 'abc'
    ), $atts ) );
$categories=get_the_terms(get_the_ID(), $taxonomy);

$categoryHierarchy = array();
sort_terms_hierarchicaly($categories, $categoryHierarchy);
	$amiarray = array_values($categoryHierarchy);
	foreach($amiarray[0]->children as $final){
		foreach($final->children as $finall){
			return $finall->name;

Now you can use above shortcodes in a post view loop of Toolset and can only show desired term levels.

If you need further assistance, write me down in the comments section or alternatively, you can contact me through my contact page of the website.


Toolset a Boon for WordPress Freelancers

Toolset a Boon for WordPress Freelancers

Its been 5 years when i started my carrier as a full time freelancer. Since then i have been working on Upwork when it was previously known as Odesk as a WordPress Developer and Designer.


When i started my freelance business i used to build websites using some premium themes or customizing them as required by the clients and i was good at that. The only problem i used to face was that when a client asks for a custom theme development, it was not like that i didn’t knew how to code custom theme, it was actually the time it used to take and if i increase my budget, most of the times client refuses to pay that much and so to move forward (due to lack of income sources) i have to accept that, i had no option 🙁

The average time for a custom theme with some complex functionality was around 1 to 2 months depending on various factors. So as i was building websites for some of my clients using some premium themes in much lesser time but those websites were not so complex to make my portfolio stand out.


Then i came to know about a plugin called Wp types which is one of the component of Toolset. I was able to build custom post types in seconds, add taxonomies to it and also custom fields without any hassle and in a matter of mins. There were other components as well like Views, CRED forms, Maps, Layouts and Access and they all combine to make a really powerful tool. You can learn more about their components and how powerful they are by visiting their website at

I was able to build complex websites in a week with advanced functionality and also the biggest thing about this Toolset is that you don’t need to know PHP to use it ( however i am proficient in PHP) but good for someone who is a beginner or who knows just wordpress. I was able to build some really good complex websites in less than a week so it was like i can build 4 complex websites which was 4 times more than what i was able to do earlier.

Let it be any type of website like classifieds/ listing, Ecommerce or Directory website and almost all other niches. Toolset also offers some API hooks and very good support system which helps if you are stuck. It did boosted my freelance business.

However, it was easy for me to understand Toolset much faster and efficiently because i knew inside out of wordpress custom coding and how things work and now been working with Toolset since last 3 years i am now an expert in it.

So, if you are looking forward to boost your freelance business and build complex websites in less than a week without compromising the quality, go for toolset.

Have any questions do email me at anytime.



4 best ways to secure your WordPress Website ?

4 best ways to secure your WordPress Website ?

Now a days, most of the web applications are being build using WordPress CMS. Being a freelancer, i have seen many people facing security issues in their wordpress websites. They often complain about their website been hacked or compromised and most of the time they think that it is due to WordPress.

I am a WordPress Developer since last 6 years and now i have seen WordPress improve with enhanced features and added security.

 I assure you that WordPress is a secure CMS

I will outline you the the best 4 strategies which will secure your wordpress website, rather than going for multiple ways, if you follow these four methods it will do the work for you.


This is the root cause, as shared hosting means you are sharing servers with other people and it is the easiest way to get infected by virus or malware from other people websites.

Solution : Go for DEDICATED Server if you can spend approx 250$ per month on hosting and your website has high traffic. However, if you don’t have too much traffic and are looking for a cheaper yet powerful solution, i with my personal experience recommend you to buy Siteground Hosting as they are one of the best shared hosting service providers and is also offering at fair price. They have firewalls setup and is thus more secure than other cheap shared hosting service providers.


I have seen many people using “admin” as the username and a very simple phrase as a password which is easily hacked by automatic scripts. In a wordpress website, an admin has to make sure that the database password used in wp-config.php and password of an administrator has to be strong and alternatively there are many websites online which generates strong passwords and you can use them. Check this website for reference  

3. AVOID Using wp-admin / wp-login.php as url for admin logins

The default url for an admin login in wordpress websites is wp-admin or wp-login.php and all of the automated scripts use this url to get into the backends.

To reduce the number of attempts, we can change the admin login url to something else with the help of some plugins like WPS Hide Login and many more available in the wordpress repository.


The Sucuri Firewall is an innovative cloud-based Website Application Firewall (WAF) and Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) for protecting websites.

i) Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) Protection

ii) Brute Force Prevention

iii) Stop Website Attacks and Hacks

iv) Malware Prevention

Increased Performance of Websites (Speeds up the website)

The Sucuri Firewall runs on a Globally Distributed Anycast Network (GDAN), built and managed by the Sucuri team. The GDAN configuration allows for high availability and redundancy in the event of any failures in the network. Sucuri currently manages six Points of Presence (PoP)

Buy Sucuri Firewall

If you want to get your website protected, contact us here.

Comments will be appreciated.

Problem Solved: upgrade.php?_wp_http_referer=%2Fwp-admin%2F

Problem Solved: upgrade.php?_wp_http_referer=%2Fwp-admin%2F

This is a very common issue which happens when WordPress was not successfully updated. If this happens, then the admin is not able to log into wordpress dashboard as it redirects to this url Problem Solved: upgrade.php?_wp_http_referer=%2Fwp-admin%2F .

Below are simple steps to fix this issue in 2 minutes.

  1. Open File manager through hosting account or using FTP.
  2. Go to the wordpress installation directory and under wp-content folder, rename plugins folder to plugins123.
  3. Then go to your website url and write /wp-admin after the url.

You will see the dialog as below:

Click on UPDATE WordPress Database and the problem will be solved.

Cheers and comment for any issues.