How to create a Star Rating/Review/Feedback System with Toolset

This Module is purely built using Toolset

No other plugins are required

Required Toolset plugins

After you have all these plugins, then you need to go to main Toolset Import/Export menu and import the purchased ZIP file.


  • Rating can be done only once by the logged in user for a particular post.
  • Ratings require admin approval. ( This feature can be adjusted according to the requirements)
  • Email is sent to the ADMIN email each time rating is submitted, admin can approve disapprove.


More features

  • Displays the stars according to the total calculated average
  • shows the average rating of a particular post
  • This shortcode can be used and customized html

Get this module at 50$

You will get a ZIP file of this module. You need to Install Toolset Module Manager and Import the ZIP.
Fill this form and complete the purchase.

This information will not be shared with anyone

How to add Pagination Functionality to Shortcodes Ultimate Plugin ?


1 Star2 Stars3 Stars4 Stars5 Stars (1 votes, average: 5.00 out of 5)

My old SNIPPET was free but it was not working with UPDATED versions of SU plugin and WordPress.

This SNIPPET now works with the latest version of WordPress.

I will Help you to add the pagination myself

Fix will be added in less than 48 hours on working days

Problem Solved: upgrade.php?_wp_http_referer=%2Fwp-admin%2F

Problem Solved: upgrade.php?_wp_http_referer=%2Fwp-admin%2F

This is a very common issue which happens when WordPress was not successfully updated. If this happens, then the admin is not able to log into wordpress dashboard as it redirects to this url Problem Solved: upgrade.php?_wp_http_referer=%2Fwp-admin%2F .

Below are simple steps to fix this issue in 2 minutes.

  1. Open File manager through hosting account or using FTP.
  2. Go to the wordpress installation directory and under wp-content folder, rename plugins folder to plugins123.
  3. Then go to your website url and write /wp-admin after the url.

You will see the dialog as below:

Click on UPDATE WordPress Database and the problem will be solved.

Cheers and comment for any issues.



Modifying Jetpack Social Media Icons LinkedIn Url Issue

Modifying Jetpack Social Media Icons LinkedIn Url Issue

Recently, while i was working for one of my clients website, there was an issue which i saw in the Jetpack Advance Widget called Social Media Icons.

The issue was that jetpack developers has hardcoded in the code and due to this if any company url doesn’t have /in in their linkedin profile, it was resulting in wrong links. Like for example my clients linkedin official link was but when i was entering username, due to hardcoded code it was coming out as and was a big issue.

So, in order to fix this, open jetpack using any file editor and then look into directory widgets which is located at


and under widgets open the file called social-media-icons.php and on line 70 remove /in and save the file.

        $this->services = array(
'facebook'   => array( 'Facebook', '' ),
'twitter'    => array( 'Twitter', '' ),
'instagram'  => array( 'Instagram', '' ),
'pinterest'  => array( 'Pinterest', '' ),
'linkedin'   => array( 'LinkedIn', '' ),
'github'     => array( 'GitHub', '' ),
'youtube'    => array( 'YouTube', '' ),
'vimeo'      => array( 'Vimeo', '' ),
'googleplus' => array( 'Google+', '' ),
'flickr'     => array( 'Flickr', '' ),
'wordpress'  => array( '', '' ),
'twitch'     => array( 'Twitch', '' ),
'tumblr'     => array( 'Tumblr', '' ),

This will fix the issue.
