Toolset vs PODS: A Comprehensive Comparison

When it comes to customizing and extending the functionality of a WordPress website, choosing the right plugin can make a significant impact on the development process. Two of the most popular options available are Toolset and PODS. Both plugins offer a range of features that help simplify the custom post type creation and custom fields management process. However, each plugin has its own unique strengths and weaknesses, making it important to understand the difference between Toolset and PODS before making a decision.


Toolset is a suite of plugins designed to make it easy for developers to create custom post types, custom fields, and templates. It offers a visual interface for designing custom post types, making it accessible for those who do not have a strong understanding of code. Additionally, Toolset offers a range of modules for specific needs such as forms, views, and maps. This makes it a powerful option for developers looking for a comprehensive solution for their custom WordPress development needs.


PODS is a plugin that allows developers to create custom post types, custom fields, and taxonomies. Like Toolset, PODS also offers a visual interface for designing custom post types, making it easy for non-developers to use. PODS has a robust set of features that make it a popular choice among WordPress developers, including the ability to create repeatable fields, advanced content types, and the ability to manage relationships between custom post types.


When comparing Toolset and PODS, it is important to consider the specific needs of a project. For those looking for a comprehensive solution, Toolset is the better option as it offers a wider range of modules and features. However, for those who are only looking for custom post type creation and custom fields management, PODS is a more straightforward solution that can still deliver great results.

In terms of ease of use, both Toolset and PODS offer visual interfaces that make the custom post type creation process simple and straightforward. However, Toolset’s comprehensive range of modules may prove overwhelming for some users, whereas PODS has a more streamlined interface that is easier to navigate.

Another important consideration is the cost. Toolset is a premium plugin and requires an annual subscription, whereas PODS is a free plugin. For those on a tight budget, PODS is a great option as it offers a good range of features for no cost. However, for those who need the additional features offered by Toolset, the investment may be worth it in the long run.


Choosing between Toolset and PODS ultimately comes down to the specific needs of a project. Both plugins offer great solutions for custom post type creation and custom fields management, but Toolset offers a wider range of modules and features that may be necessary for larger and more complex projects. On the other hand, PODS is a straightforward solution that offers great value for those on a budget.

Regardless of the choice, both Toolset and PODS are powerful plugins that can greatly simplify the custom WordPress development process. By carefully considering the specific needs of a project, developers can make an informed decision and choose the plugin that best meets their needs.

How to create a Star Rating/Review/Feedback System with Toolset

This Module is purely built using Toolset

No other plugins are required

Required Toolset plugins

After you have all these plugins, then you need to go to main Toolset Import/Export menu and import the purchased ZIP file.


  • Rating can be done only once by the logged in user for a particular post.
  • Ratings require admin approval. ( This feature can be adjusted according to the requirements)
  • Email is sent to the ADMIN email each time rating is submitted, admin can approve disapprove.


More features

  • Displays the stars according to the total calculated average
  • shows the average rating of a particular post
  • This shortcode can be used and customized html

Get this module at 50$

You will get a ZIP file of this module. You need to Install Toolset Module Manager and Import the ZIP.
Fill this form and complete the purchase.

This information will not be shared with anyone

Toolset Conditionals not working in Divi Theme Builder Latest Version

Most of the users are facing this issue where the Toolset conditionals have suddently stopped working in Divi Builder. There is a technical reason behind it.

So this is how conditionals were used earlier by most of you guys.


[wpv-conditional if="( $(wpcf-3d-tour-toolset) ne '' )"]View 3D walkthrough[/wpv-conditional]


[wpv-conditional if="( $(wpcf-3d-tour-toolset).item($current_page) ne '' )"] View 3D walkthrough[/wpv-conditional]

The reason why Divi is not supporting the old way is because they are not declaring the current post variable. So in order to fix it, we need this minor alteration to the conditionals.

I hope this is helpful for you. If you need any help in Toolset or WordPress Web Development, you can contact me here.

How can i get only bottom level terms of a taxonomy or category in views?

How can i get only parent terms of a taxonomy ?

This is a very popular question asked in many WordPress forums and Toolset Support and as a result, i am going to write a code snippet.

Lets assume, that the depth of taxonomy hierarchy is 3 and is explained by the following example of countries, provinces and states.

  • Australia ( Parent)
    • Queensland (Child)
      • Brisbane ( Child of a child)


Copy and paste the below snipped in your current active theme functions.php file. Then replace $location variable to your current taxonomy name and then use the shortcode [ds-parent] inside the loop view of any post type template.

add_shortcode('ds-parent', 'ds_top_level_terms');
function ds_top_level_terms() {
    $locations = 'test';
    $terms = get_the_terms(get_the_ID(), $locations);
    foreach ($terms as $term) {
        $parent = $term->parent;
        if ( $parent == '0' ) {
            $term_link = get_term_link($term, $locations);
            return $term->name;


  • Australia ( Parent)
    • Queensland (Child)
      • Brisbane ( Child of a child)

Here again, replace $location variable to your current taxonomy name and then use the shortcode [ds-middle-terms] inside the loop view of any post type template.

function ds_sort_terms(Array &$cats, Array &$into, $parentId = 0)
    foreach ($cats as $i => $cat) {
        if ($cat->parent == $parentId) {
            $into[$cat->term_id] = $cat;
    foreach ($into as $topCat) {
        $topCat->children = array();
        ds_sort_terms($cats, $topCat->children, $topCat->term_id);
add_shortcode('ds-middle-terms', 'ds-middle-terms');
function ds-middle-terms( $atts ) {
    extract( shortcode_atts( array(
        'taxonomy' => 'abc'
    ), $atts ) );
$categories=get_the_terms(get_the_ID(), $taxonomy);

$categoryHierarchy = array();
ds_sort_terms($categories, $categoryHierarchy);
	$amiarray = array_values($categoryHierarchy);
	foreach($amiarray[0]->children as $final){
		return $final->name;


  • Australia ( Parent)
    • Queensland (Child)
      • Brisbane ( Child of a child)

In the same way, replace $location variable to your current taxonomy name and then use the shortcode [ds-bottom-level] inside the loop view of any post type template.

add_shortcode('ds-bottom-level', 'ds_bottom_terms');
function ds_bottom_terms() {
   extract( shortcode_atts( array(
        'taxonomy' => 'abc'
    ), $atts ) );
$categories=get_the_terms(get_the_ID(), $taxonomy);

$categoryHierarchy = array();
sort_terms_hierarchicaly($categories, $categoryHierarchy);
	$amiarray = array_values($categoryHierarchy);
	foreach($amiarray[0]->children as $final){
		foreach($final->children as $finall){
			return $finall->name;

Now you can use above shortcodes in a post view loop of Toolset and can only show desired term levels.

If you need further assistance, write me down in the comments section or alternatively, you can contact me through my contact page of the website.


Toolset launched Custom Types Training Course – Get 20% off on Toolset

Toolset has recently launched a “Custom Types Training” course for their users to know important techniques which could help them save time and produce better results. 

This course is mainly focused to let the users know about the power of “Custom Types”.

After going through this course, a basic user can progress to intermediate and then to advanced level.

What’s in the Course ?

This course consists of 5 chapters.

Check below in depth, what is covered in each of them:

What are Custom Types and how they work?
Creating Custom Post Types
  •  When and why you should use custom types
  •  How to create custom post types
  •  How to create custom fields
  •  How to create custom taxonomies
Displaying Content Types
  • How content is displayed in WordPress
  • Designing templates for single posts
  • Designing archives
  • Creating Custom Lists of Content
Connecting Different Types of Content
  • Easily building advanced sites by connecting different types of content
  • Different kinds of post relationships
  • How to connect different post types
  • Displaying Related Content
Creating Custom Searches
  • When and why you should use custom searches
  • How custom search works
  • How to create a custom search


It is free for Toolset Clients. If you’re not (yet) using Toolset, then you can buy their course separately (it costs $29 USD).


This course is helpful for WordPress Developers / Freelancers who wants to enhance their development skills as by going through this course, they will be able to build many complex web applications using Toolset in short span of time.

Let me know your thoughts about Toolset and if you need assistance in using it, you can write your comments below.